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Does bigger mean better?

The brief was to pick a brand that we liked, and using a Mazda Miata package size, design an interior for the year 2030
Choosing a luxury brand would present a few challenges, the biggest one being "Why would someone spend a lot of money on a small (presumably well built) two seat Roadster?"
Brand focus : Having a
personal connection
From working on older Jaguar XJ6's with my dad and younger brother, it felt like the natural way to go as the brand for this project.
Form Language
Much of the form language was taken from the soft folding shapes of clouds and the way wind has carved out the rocks in CanyonLands national park in Utah, USA. The center "post" under the armrest in the middle was inspired from a particular boulder that wind and sand had carved away underneath to where only a small portion in the middle was supporting the massive bulk.